Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crontab in Linux                                                                            Steps to create Logical Volume

Vi editor works as text editor in Linux. We can create, modify, search and replace patterns in a file like these multiple operations, we can do using vi editor. Vi and vim editors are almost same commands but vim is having many advanced features as compared to vi editor. Vim is advanced version of vi editor.

Mostly vi search operation is very useful for us to while editing any file or changing any configuration file. Below are some of the examples of vi/vim editor commands:

Vi filename
Open a file called filename/ we can use absolute path of file here
Esc + i
Insert mode
Esc + :wq
Save and quit
Esc + :q
Quit without save
Esc + :w
Esc + /pattern
It will search pattern in a file and highlight that pattern if found
Esc + dw
Current word delete where cursor points
Esc + dd
Delete current line/ Cuts the current Line
Esc + x
Delete current character
Esc  + P
Paste whatever copied or cut before cursor
Esc + yy
Copy current Line
Esc  + 2yy
Copy current Line and one more immediate line of it
Esc + y$
Copy current line to end of file
Esc + p
Paste after cursor
Esc + q!
Quit and throw away any changes
Esc + ?Pattern
Search backward pattern in Vi editor
Esc + a
Append after cursor
Esc + I
Insert at beginning of Line
Esc + w
Jump word by word/ cursor always remain at beginning of word
Esc + W
Jump word by word
Esc + h
Move left
Esc + j
Move down
Esc + e
Jump to end of words
Esc + b
Jump to backward by words
Esc + B
Jump to backward by words
Esc + 0
Start of Line
Esc + _
Go to the start of Line
Esc  + $
Go to the end of Line
Esc + cc
Change of line
Esc + cw
Change current word
Esc + u
Undo current change
Esc + U
Undo current changes made to the current Line only
Esc + .
Repeat last command in vi editor
Esc + :e filename
Edit a file in a new buffer
Ctrl +ws
Split Windows
Ctrl + wv
Split Windows vertically
Ctrl + ww
Split Windows in Vi editor
Ctrl + wq
Quit windows
Esc + :bn
Go to next buffer
Esc  + :s/Pattern1/Pattern2/g
Replace all pattern1 with pattern2 in vi editor


How to recover deleted files in Linux                                                     Shells in Unix/Linux
Posted by Machindra Dharmadhikari On 7/30/2013 10:53:00 AM 2 comments


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